dianneeverding Member


  • I have Fibromyalgia and Sleep Apnea. I have issues with my joints working as they should so I was forced to find activities that are very low impact. The best thing that I have found to do as far as exercise is to walk. It takes a good deal of time and the weight loss is a slow process but it has the least "crash" after…
  • I had to be taken off of the Lyrica to loose weight. I gained 60lbs on Lyrica and was unable to loose any weight as long as I stayed on the medication. According to my doctor this level of weight gain is unusual. After I stopped taking the medication I had to begin taking another medication to activate my metabolism again…
  • Cymbalta- I have the hot flashes, night sweats, and reduced energy but Cymbalta has the least likely hood of causing additional weight gain as far as the Anti-Depressants go. Still I have managed to gain 40lbs in five months. Lyrica- Helps with the pain not the stiffness though. I also have to take meds for blood pressure…