springbound Member


  • You may want to bring this up with your primary care doctor and get a referral to an ENT or pulmonologist for a sleep study. Do you feel tired a lot of the time? Do you snore? Has a partner ever mentioned that you stop breathing in your sleep or sound weird? (I used to make gurgling noises.) Do you sleepwalk? Waking up…
  • You're doing way better than I was at 6 weeks! Can you stir some protein powder into that yogurt to sneak in a few extra grams? I used to love the Syntrax cookies and cream mixed into nonfat plain greek yogut. I tried to hit my protein minimums just through food, but it didn't really work because I just can't eat that…
  • I have one of the laptop lunchable things and I love it. I tend to have small meals through the day, so I love to have different containers for lots of little things. I tend to eat a lot of chicken/turkey/roast beef wrapped around various cheeses, beans/edamame salads with cheese and chopped marinated artichoke hearts,…
  • I have a sedentary desk job. I was expecting to only be out 2 weeks, but ended up being out almost 3 once it was all said and done. I was still in a fair amount of pain and didn't feel like I could make it through the day yet after 2. I went back last Monday and I came home and took a nap every day after work. Now that I'm…
  • ugh. Hope you feel better soon!
  • I'm starting out at 334. My goal is around 170 or so. I've been on the diet rollercoaster most of my life. WW was my usual methods, though I've branched off into south beach occasionally. The most I've lost was about 60 lbs. a few years ago and now I'm about 50 lbs. heavier than my top weight then. I finally decided that…