Try including some smaller meals in between your breakfast, lunch and dinner. By eating 6 smalls meals throughout the day will help to speed up your metabolism which will burn more fat. After a week or two of doing this you will find that your body will adjust and you will start finding yourself getting hungry. I use…
I recommend taking a protein shaker with you to the gym. Throw in some ice, a scoop or two depending on your protein needs of whey protein (fastest digesting protein) and I use orange gatorade which is high in sugar and carbs to spike your insulin level. Your 1 hour window of opportunity for replenishing your muscles is…
Ok, the key is to eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours. This will keep you full and also speed up your metabolism which will burn more fat. Each small meal you eat you want to have protein, carbs, and some good fats. Plan ahead the night or day before what you are going to eat. I usually eat lean meats such as skinless…