grrouchie Member


  • Having lived in or near both I can honestly say that York PA had a better smell!
  • I have been making all of my decisions in my weight loss plan with that exact though process in mind. It's not what I eat that made me fat, it's how much of it I eat. So, I am learning to cut back. Learning that I can still eat what I want just not as often as I previously wanted. It's OK to snack occasionally. I can have…
  • to break the 2 month stale mate I've had with my weight. It's Going Down!
  • This. What worked for me (finally) was small changes over time. I've been big most of my life. Last year I topped out at over 300 pounds and decided enough was enough. 1st step was cutting way back on fast food at work. I started packing a lunch. It wasn't the healthiest, but it was packed and not fast food. After a couple…