mgmagnolia Member


  • I'm struggling with this issue, too. I have two Thanksgiving dinners to go to tomorrow. There's two more in a week or so. Then Christmas parties, etc. I'm also worrying about how to accurately log what I eat.
  • One thing you can count on is that we will be your weight loss tribe and support you any way that we can. We’re all here because we need to lose weight and get healthy. I’m very overweight, too. I’ve lost 30 lbs. I can tell you that even that little bit makes me feel much better. Keep posting on here. Connect on here and…
  • That’s truly inspiring! Thank you for sharing this. I’m struggling so much right now to stay on track and not go backwards!
  • Getting started is hard. The best thing I can tell you is that you have to find a diet that you can live with. Don't force yourself to eat things you don't like. For example: l can't stand fat free butter or cheese, but I can eat the 2 % versions. I don't like soy milk, but I do like almond milk. You just have to try stuff…