You look MUCH better after losing 40 pounds than I did lol Great job!!
It's definitely possible, 1-2 pounds per week is the "healthy" range of weight loss, after all. Just try not to focus on the scale portion of your weight loss. If you bike and exercise more, you MAY gain weight but lose fat (1 pound of fat = twice the mass of 1 pound of muscle) and focusing on the scale can really throw…
You can't gain weight form one day of overeating if you normally have a regular eating habit. If you do the "one day cheat" thing or such, you could, but if it's just one day after a month+ of being good, you're fine. As for how do I deal with the guilt? I usually look at WHY I overate and realize that my guilt is actually…
I certainly have faith that you can do it. I was in a size 16 women's when I was 14 and hit 235 when I was 23. It's easy to be active and appear happy to those around you, but still hate yourself and feel horrible on the inside. I'm sure a lot of people here can relate, so feel free to talk in the forums or message people…
Rinsing the caned mushrooms will help remove some of the sodium as the salt is in the water to preserve them,but it won't remove it all. Look in the Asian food isle of your local super market as they tend to carry a larger variety. You can also buy dried mushrooms and soak them in water which will plump them up again, but…