MelissaDirr2023 Member


  • My most important tools are: - Daily Prayer and Bible Reading - My Fitness Pal Food Journal - My Food Scale, Measuring Cups and Spoons - Plan To Eat, (recipe storage and meal planning) - Boot Camp (for fitness and the support of friends!) - The Scale! I weigh myself every morning - Books (such as The…
  • I am participating in the Maintenance program. I started with Get Fit in January 2011 and did two rounds. I began at 222.2 lbs and now weigh 155!!
  • Melody, you are one of the strongest women I have ever met!! There is no doubt in my mind that you will achieve your final goal! There are lots of excuses for not pushing ourselves hard enough, some legit, some not so much. Sometimes, it's hard to distinguish which is is which, when to push harder, and when to take it a…
  • The scale has been a bit of a challenge for me on many levels. While I do see it as a helpful tool, sometimes I picture the scale as holding a judge's hammer in one hand and pointing an accusing finger at me with the other. My personal goal has always been to be at 155 pounds, I have achieved this goal! BUT all the charts,…