fiabka Member


  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Ignore them Hun, my gp (doc) is a jogger, does all the marathons in UK but he says walking is better for you as it doesn't put the pressure on the joints like jogging does (if we are talking pavements here!) & he reckons its one of the best forms of all round exercise there is. I walk a lot & have really noticed a…
  • That would scare me & I live in Oxfordshire's countryside!! - How do they get in? Can u secure access?
  • I was 25 - I worked for Hutchinson Telecom (the former name of Orange) & had to commute from Oxfordshire to Newcastle every week so I was given one for travelling the trains - it was the size of a brick & weighed more !!! I was told to keep it hidden as they cost a small fortune & very 'nickable' - that brought back…
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Love it, brilliant :happy:
  • Use it to motivate yourself Whenever I do that - I think right I have to work at this for the next ....days so when I weigh in on Monday (my weekly weigh in day) I will still be on track & still have lost Hope that makes sense !!!!! & just keep going - you will do this, you can do this :smile:
    in Help!!!!!! Comment by fiabka July 2012
  • A friends request coming to you from down south (please don't hold that against me though!!!!) :smile:
  • Hi Kelly I know exactly what you mean I'd love to be your exercise buddy but I'm just that little bit too far (Oxfordshire) !
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Like it! x
  • I wear the strap just under the bra strap - U soon get used to it - hope this helps :smile: same place when in swim gear
  • Yep swam in mine no probs at all - best money I ever spent - has to be said :smile:
  • My Hero :blushing: So gotta ask....... are you on target for 80lbs lost by end of June........?????
  • I think you'll find in the UK that as long has you 'state' it within the advert somewhere, its ok. .... for example L'Oreal got done for the false eyelash thing in mascara adverts - now as long as they say the eyelashes are false it's within the advertising laws - wrong I know :frown:
  • Which country you in ??/
  • I have had this in the last three wedding invitations I have had "We are sending out this invitation In hope you’ll join our celebration But if a gift is your intention We’ll take this oppurtunity to mention We have already got a kettle and toaster crockery, dinner mats, and matching coasters So rather than something we…
  • OMG thought I would check it out on my lunch break & now I have soggy Wotsits What an amazing man Thank you for posting :flowerforyou:
  • & Me :laugh: :laugh:
  • Just wanted to say you are inspirational & should be really proud of yourself for the way you are supporting your sister & that you are trying to help yourself - good for you huni There are many people on here trying to lose weight & get healthier for medical reasons, so I am sure you will find a whole load of support if…
  • Morning, friend request winging its way to you :smile: :smile: :smile: Good luck on your journey x
  • Count everything that has a calorific count as juliegreen3 says it all adds up !!
    in fruits Comment by fiabka June 2012
  • Good Morning from my office desk, listening to Adele on the radio looking out at a a cold, grey & extremely wet Oxfordshire - god surprised I haven't hung myself yet!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: Welcome to MFP - You've come to the right place - full of fab people & advice. Good luck & feel free to add :flowerforyou: Have a great…
  • Time to head to the basement i knew this day was coming.. have to admit i am kind of excited. [/quote] LOL ..... LOVE THIS :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Absolutely....well done you, be very proud of yourself - you can do this - you just gotta want it enough :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Feel free to add :flowerforyou:
  • Born in London Living in Oxfordshire ENGLAND :smile:
  • Hi, I to suffered years ago & was given the usual anti depressants. At the end of last year I could feel myself slipping back down - badly - so took myself off to the Dr's - My doctor didn't want to put me back on anti-depressants & I had no intention of ever going back down that road again so he advised : St John's Wort 1…
    in Depression Comment by fiabka May 2012
  • Organic, Raw Virgin Coconut Oil - ticks all your boxes & is also great as a moisturiser too :smile:
  • Morning & welcome :flowerforyou: Feel free to add Have a great 1st day xxx :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • A MASSIVE well done honey :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    in 30lb down! Comment by fiabka April 2012
  • Hi, It is said that you fluctuate on a daily basis so to get an accurate scale reading you should only take the reading on the same day at around the same time once a week - so like me I weigh on a Monday morning around 7am every week - anything in between is not accurate - so don't get disheartened Hope this helps :happy:
    in Weight Gain Comment by fiabka April 2012
  • Couldn't agree more. :happy: