

  • I have the same problem. I am 5'1 and 119# my thighs have always looked big and muscular. I am a runner too so I dunno if that helps or makes them bigger. Pretty much I just live with it because when I weigh more my thighs seem big and when I weigh less they do too. It is just me. Hope it helps to know you are not alone :)
  • I just started today too!
  • I do kung fu and tai chi. For the Kung Fu I log it as martial arts and for 60 min it logs as 450 calories. I some times adjust it because some classes we do alot of conditioning and cardio and others we work on forms and material. So on the cardio/conditioning days I log the full 60 min and on the easier days sometimes I…
  • I have had a little set back. I have been sick all week. Yesterday was the first day I felt marginally better, but I have very low energy. I have almost totally lost my voice and I am on antibiotics for now. I am going to see how I feel in the morning to see if I can do the video, even if I take more breaks or something.…
  • I missed a day yesteray. I have been traveling. I know its an excuse, but I did bring it with me and I did day 2 while away from home and when I was supposed to do day 3 I was driving home. It was a long 6 hour drive. Anyway, I am back on track and did Day 3 today! Felt great.
  • Completed day 1 and I'm feeling good. My arms are tired too tho. Well I'm off to bed since I just got off work. See you tomorrow!
  • You got an early start! Good job! I work nights so I am just getting off of work. I gonna go home get my starting weight at measurments and then do day 1 before I go to sleep.
  • Ok everybody...lets get ready. It's almost time to start our challenge. I will be gettingm my weight and measurements in the morning and ready to start JM 30DS! Good luck to everyone and have a safe and happy new year!
  • It depends on what kinds of things you enjoy! if you enjoy it you will stick with it. I am in Kung fu and tai chi and I love it. Been doing it for 3yrs now. martials in general is just a lot of fun to me and if you find the right school/program its not all about learning to fight or anything like that and almost all…
  • What kind of equipment do we need for the 30DS? Weights or just your body or what? Thanks, Coco
  • I'd like to try. I just moved it to the first position in my netflix que. I've never joined a challenge or a group on here so I hope it is motivating for me. I have been a member for a while but I always log for a week or so and then I fall off the band wagon. I am back now. I have logged my workouts all week and I started…
  • I've done it ! I even was able to do do extra. I did 6 sets of 50 with about 30 to 60 seconds rest in between. That is a total of 300. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but I think my calves will be sore. Hope everyone else makes the chalenge. Keep up your good work!
  • I think I'll try it too. My knees usually hurt during stuff like that but I will try.