scrappingmom73 Member


  • I can totally relate to the feeling of why be on the antidepressant if it just makes me depressed that I'm fat!
  • I have been on an antidepressant (4 different ones) for just almost a year now. Within just 2 months of going on the medication, I gained 40 pounds. I have spent the last year trying to lose that weight and have only lost 5 pounds. Most weeks I maintain but some I gain only to lose that again. I cannot seem to get past…
  • I'll join in too as walking is my means of exercise. Normally 60 minutes a day. Anyone wanting a friend out there, feel free to add me. Are we keeping track together any way?
  • I too have to make myself go exercise. I am not able to get to a gym so walking is my means at the moment. There are many days that I force myself to get out there and walk. My weight is at a total stand still right now too so I totally understand losing motivation. Would love to encourage each other!
  • This is a great idea. I use run keeper and last month I logged 18hrs. I am aiming for 20 this month but believe I can get 24 by putting my mind to it. Thanks for posting!
  • I'm turning 40 this October and would love to have friends the same age. Losing at this age is much different than when I was 20 or 30! :)
  • I am a mum of 3 boys....13, 12, and 9. I've gained and lost weight for most of their lives. I would love to have some mum friends to encourage and get encouragement. Looking for some MFP friends. :)