

  • I put 1/4 cup on top of my salad...it's delicious!
  • The bones at the base of my neck...is that the collar bone?? They appeared for the first me while I've been on my weight loss journey! It's so exciting.
  • Surprisingly they had it had Walmart in the Peanut Butter section.
  • Walden Farms makes a zero calorie dressing. It's my new favorite...I've tried the bacon ranch and the honey mustard. So far, I've really been enjoying them and the best part: NO CALORIES!!!! I also just picked up their new Peanut Butter Spread today (also has 0 calories) so I'll be trying that out tonight and see how I…
  • Thank you! I think this needs to be a daily reminder that I am awesome just the way I am.
  • I typically don't log my coffee intake but I log my creamer. I also don't log PAM, spray butter, spices, sugar free gum, or the crystal light I add to my water jog. I figure, in the long run, these things really don't effect my weight loss.
  • I love vanilla yogurt. I usually add either grapes, kiwi, sliced up banana, or pomagranite seeds to it. It's great because it reminds me of a desert but I'm able to always change it up to give it a different flavor, taste, or texture.
  • Crunchy granola bars. Ya know those healthy ones that come 2 to a pack. I would probably eat 3 packs in one sitting...they taste like cookies to me. I don't buy them anymore because I don't I just can't resist them. :) I also love chips and salsa...so I can't buy the chips anymore and I've just found other uses for the…
  • I sit behind a desk all day too. I've wondered about those bike peddals and wondered if they worked. In my typical day, I am able to eat my lunch at my desk and then I use my 30 minute lunch and go for a walk. I am able to get 2 miles in during a 30 minute break...and I feel so great afterwards.
  • Just wanted to send a shout out and let you know that I'm still involved in the 30DS. I love it actually...he he he...yeah I feel crazy for saying it but I can feel myself getting stronger and feeling better about myself. I also have been keeping to a strict diet and also do an exercise class at the YMCA. I have been…
  • I am reading "Made to Crave" right now and I am loving it. I am just over 1/2 way done with it. It really shows a lot of insite and I am so amazed about things as I'm reading it I can't put it down. I am hoping to do a small group study with it after I am done reading it. Last night I had to make cookies for my son's…
  • I love using my Wii Fit to help me exercise. I usually do the free stepping for about an hour while I'm watching tv....beats just sitting on the couch watching tv. :) I am not able to get out and do all the exercise I want to because I have a young son at home who is normally in bed for the night when I'm working out.…
  • I have my measurements. I also took pictures. I did my first workout last night and my legs felt like jelly afterward. I was surprised that I didn't have so much pain today so I did my day 2 workout this morning before the pain sets in. :happy: Feeling excited about seeing results still at this point. Chest: 44 inches…
  • I'm sold. I just purchased this DVD today and it will be my first time going through this workout. I'm sure Jillian is going to KILL me physically but I want those results. I am shooting for 20 pounds in 30 days!
  • Amazing! You look fantastic! You are an inspiration to me...and you did this in under a year! It gives me hope. Thank you!