Beth292 Member


  • Me too!
  • W8D1 done, and it kicked my *kitten*! I found it a lot harder than W7, but that's probably because its so cose ot half an hour and psychologically it's spooking me! Feeling really great now it's done now, bring on Day 2! :)
    in Week 8 Comment by Beth292 March 2012
  • I'm doing a 5k on the 25th March, although I'm not sure I'll be able to run all of it I'm giving it a good go! I'm also signing up to do Parkrun and hopefully a 10k in around June to keep my motivation up. Even if I dont run it all I'm enjoying it, and my fitness is improving! :) Its great to see other people with similar…
  • W6R3 done after a lot of delay, and much easier than I was expecting! See you guys in W7, hope it's all going well! :)
    in Week 6 Comment by Beth292 March 2012
  • Wow! What a transformation! Well done, you look wonderful and it's a testament to how hard you've worked! :)
  • W5D3 done! Thank you for the advice, I'll see you guys in Week 6!! :)
    in Week 5 Comment by Beth292 February 2012
  • Damn! I posted last week about trying to do W5D3, and with a combination of a few things (forgetting my inhalor, my headphones not working and the 30 day shred the day before) I didn't get to finish, and had to walk for a minue 13 minutes in and 17 minutes in. I'm going to try again tomorrow, but hopefully will be less…
    in Week 5 Comment by Beth292 February 2012
  • Hi, this is my first post and I'm on W5 and will be doing W5D3 tomorrow! W5D2 went well, and I finished up feeling very proud but the 3rd run of this week feels like a huge jump! Going to give it all I have but seeing how well everyone is doing has given me great motivation! I'm also weighing in tomorrow to find out how my…
    in Week 5 Comment by Beth292 February 2012