

  • I've also heard great things about greek yogurt. I have been eating Yoplait Source yogurt as it only has 35 calories per 100 grams and is aspartame free. I also like to buy the big containers and stick them in the freezer, then when I get a ice cream craving I can eat super low cal frozen yogurt instead!
    in yogurt.. Comment by Brianne82 April 2010
  • If you have ever tried jumping rope as an adult you know why it is such a calorie burning workout, it's tough! I was in pretty good shape the last time I tried and almost killed myself going for two minutes lol. If you haven't tried jumping rope since you were a kid be prepared to be surprised! It's no longer the care free…
  • Roasted in the oven with some olive oil and balsamic vingerette drizzled on after it's done is my fav way too! I also like to sprinkle a little sea salt on it before serving....mmmmm