vjohnso3 Member


  • My weight is 140.2 I haven't been able to log on all day so I'll get my points for last week totaled up to you and sent out within the next hour or so- sorry for the delay!
  • I was away for the weekend, so I'm behind on posting. Friday: all completed with pygmy challenge Saturday: over calories and wasn't able to exercise :( Sunday: all completed with pygmy challenge
  • Calories - under Water - met Challenge - tabata workout #2, Pygmy (including 1.5 mile run) and 20 mins on the elliptical Have a great day tomorrow everyone!
  • Hey everyone! Today was my first day of my job and it was already hard to resist office temptation : panera catered for lunch and candy in front of me all day!! I completed the pygmy exercises (with the only weights I have at my new apartment which are 12 lbs, what a burn!!). I also ran 1.5 miles so that counts for extra…
  • Hi all! This past weekend I have been moving in order to start my first job post college graduation! I've been incredibly busy with that, but have manages to do the challenges as well. I won't have Internet until Friday, so my posts will be sporadic but I'm still participating!! My weight didn't change from The first weigh…
  • Those globe jumps hurt this morning, I can only imagine how they feel tomorrow!!! I had to do them in sets, but at least I did all 50! Water - over (80 oz) Calories - Under (by 17! that's cutting it close!) Challenge - Complete (Bushman) Ready for tomorrow!
  • Just need a little clarification on the "weekly challenge" points... This week the challenge is to drink at least 64oz of water per day, as well as stay under your calories (for 6 days of the week, whether it's Monday-Saturday or not). Does this mean that theoretically you can have one day where you go over your calories…
  • Start weight: 141.4 On that note, I have a question for everyone: when do you weigh yourselves? I've been in a (bad?) habit of weighing myself on Friday's when I wake up, then again after I work out. There's usually about a pound or more difference in the numbers, and I've been going with the lower number for the past few…
  • Thanks for the info! I thought I remembered seeing that there are advanced and beginner exercises for the challenges, is that true or is there just advanced for this week? Also, will we be keeping track of water, exercise, etc. on a spreadsheet (like a google doc) all together or are we just keeping track on our own? I…
  • Do you know if weight in days will always be on Thursdays? Normally I weigh in on Fridays, so I'm just trying to get everything al figured out!
  • I have a couple questions about the rules. I may have overlooked some things or read them wrong, so let me know if I misunderstood! 1. Weight loss points: are these only given for whole pounds lost? (i.e. if you lose .5 lb a week, do you get no points? Or .5 points?, etc.) With that being said, if they are only given for…
  • Can't wait to get started!
  • If your'e going somewhere to drink before the bars, always bring your own chaser for shots. I particularly like Fuze juices- they're 10 calories and have lots of flavor. Many people buy 2liters of lemonade, etc. which are full of calories. Choosing low cal chasers is a great way to help keep the calories down! I was in…
  • I am doing the recommended routine: 2 days of the lower body workout 2 days of the upper body workout 2 days of your own cardio routine 1 rest day I do this in conjunction with running, using the elliptical, weight lifting, etc.
  • I just started doing it on Exercise TV this week - so far I like it! I like that it focuses completely on your butt (in the lower workouts at least) because that's not something I think to work out when I'm at the gym. I'm going to try to complete all 6 weeks but we'll see.. I get bored easily.
  • Thanks for keeping this so organized & congrats everyone!
  • Down to 140.6 from 142.6!
  • If anyone has room on their team, I have 2 participants (myself and another person) who are interested in joining!
  • Well, my starting weight for this challenge was 144.2 and today at my weigh in I'm at 141.4 --- only a 1.4 pound/week average when I was hoping to lose 8 this month but that's okay! Today when I weighed in I had hit my 20 lb weight loss (since beginning in Mid May) so I can't be too upset that the scale isn't moving more…
  • If possible, I'd love to join as well! My current weight is 142.6
  • @Alissa_Sal - I know that everyone's bodies are different, but do you find that you still lose weight when you eat all of your calories back?
  • For those of you that are allowed 1200 calories/day : do you always eat back all of your exercise calories? I generally work out 6 days/week and according to my HRM I usually burn 500-600. Therefore, I'm only netting about 600 calories per day. I know that you're SUPPOSED to eat these back and never go under 1200 but it…
  • This is also my first Kicking *kitten* challenge! theprettyone1010- run 30 miles GypsyRose25 - Lose 10 lbs and/or 2-3 inches. Make it through Level 1 of 30DS. Make it through the first 2 weeks of C25K. Bellum24 - Be under 200 pounds, lose 2-3 inches from waist are. femme62209- make it to ONEderland, see a weight of 195 by…
  • I was a little disappointed in my first day because of my fruit/veggie intake. I'm aiming for 5+ servings of each (particularly 2 servings of fruit and 3 of vegetables if possible) but I only ended up with 2 fruit and 1 vegetable. I didn't decide on my goals until mid afternoon yesterday so I'm hoping that I'll be able to…
  • I need to be assigned to a team, please!
  • I'm new and would also like to join!
  • SW: 144.2 GW: 136.2 Personal Goals: -Eat 5+ servings of fruits/veggies every day -Drink at least 9 cups of water a day -Exercise 5 days/week