kammy150 Member


  • I am 46 and want to loose 70# to reach my goal. I understand the comments of being tired of feeling tired. I have always been a positive, the cup is 1/2 full type of person. However, the more weight I gain the more self esteem I loose. Reading everyone's posts here has lifted my spirits and encouraged me to keep trying.…
  • I understand about rock bottom!!! It was my mom telling me that I am the biggest I have ever been. She continued on with the health issues that run in our family and ended with "Your not getting any younger and it won't get any easier. " My mom is very supportive but tells it like it is. It's a daily battle for me. We can…
  • I live in Senath Missouri. I am at the bottom of the Bootheel area. I love living here because I am only 15 minutes away from Arkansas and about 30 from Tennessee!!!! Does anyone live close to me?
  • Hi everyone. I am new and looking for encouraging friends also.