25 years old and just had 2 kids back to need to get in shape for my family. 5'7" sw:258 cw:234 gw:150
DAYS OFF ARE A BAD IDEA. The reward will be on the scale and the fitting of your clothes. We all are going to have a day where we eat badly anyway so having a day on top of the days we already dont plan on would just lead to more excess. Reward yourself by taking yourself out for a massage or getting a slim fitting outfit…
BTW my lil man was born august 14, 2011.
Mother of one and one on the way. Im having my boys back to back and I am just trying to eat healthy for now. I have always been hefty but am wanting to lose the baby fat after I have my lil man in november and losing the weight Ive carried around all my life. Before I had my first son I used this site to lose about thirty…
Congratulations. That is amazing! You look great and Im sure you feel great as well.
Hey there...Im actually 28 weeks pregnant with my second son and my first son just turned a year I am trying to watch what I eat at this point because I never got to lose the weight from having my son before I got pregnant again and I want to keep my baby healthy. Before I had my son I was losing weight then…
Its a little pricey but at whole foods store they have somthing called steaz. It comes indifferent flavors including orange and is sweetened with stevia. If you wanted to go natural at kroger thay have hansen's all natural packets like the ones walmart has, but no orange flavor. I use those alot and they are good. You…