

  • 1) Give yourself a couple of weeks before determining if you are at a plateau. You can put on or take of 3 pounds of water weight in a day. So it could be you lost fat, but replaced it with water. So, be patient, and wait a couple more weeks, to see if the weight starts coming off again. 2) Plateaus are caused by 2 things:…
    in plateau Comment by tpwhite2000 May 2011
  • I remind myself, that while healthy food might be more expensive now, it is money I'll save by not having buy diabetic and heart medication later on in life.
  • 1. Some people like to weigh themselves every day, others once a week. It is a matter of choice. I find that if I weigh myself everyday I get too caught up in the numbers, but other people are fine with it. Just remember if you do weigh yourself everyday to be objective about it, and not worry about it being too high or…
  • Those are just estimates based on different formulas. The actual number of calories you need to eat depends on your own personal body and activity level. The calorie recommendations here are a little low, so I suggest you use the higher of the two numbers when trying to figure out the number of calories you need to eat…