

  • For anyone who loves BodyRock - the former co-creator (Zuzana Light) has started another version of BodyRock (also free) which involves no equipment. It's perfect for anyone who doesn't want to invest in all of the doo-dads that they now use on the BodyRock site. Zuzka Light has all of these amazing workouts for free on…
  • Start with free weights if the machines are scary to you! There are lots of exercises you can do in the privacy of your own home too if you get some 5 lb. or 10 lb. free weights. Target has them for pretty cheap. If you belong to a gym -- ask for a tour of the equipment! Don't be shy! They do this for people all the time…
  • Not exactly a motivating post there... Let's try to keep constructive! :) I think reaching out for help is an attempt to find another solution. . . right?
  • You are doing a great job at mixing up your cardio - what are you doing for strength training? A lot of people neglect strength training when they are trying to lose weight and only do cardio. Major mistake!! If you are afraid of putting on muscle mass, don't worry! Increasing your strength and strength training will help…
  • You are absolutely right! Along with a good *consistent* healthy diet, lunges and squats will strengthen (and lean) out your upper thigh and glutes. I used to be a little bottom heavy in this area and I began jogging and doing lots of squat/lunge type exercises and the definition in my upper legs and glutes began majorly…
  • Sort of motivational. . . but when my sister and I are having a moment of weakness with regard to food choices, we always say to one another: "Nothing tastes better [than being skinny/good shape]." It's a funny and cute reminder to stick to our guns. Works!
  • I love this! Having pre-made, easy-to-access snacks is totally the way to go. Thanks for sharing! I pre-cook major staples and then measure and store them in the fridge for easy access and fast lunch/dinner options. - 4 oz. cooked shredded chicken (makes for fast and easy tacos/burritos etc.) - 1/4 cup brown rice (cooked…
  • Personally, to achieve strength and definition in *all* areas of your trunk/abs, I think you need a dynamic full range of motion. No single exercise (example: crunchies, situps, planks) is going to give you washboard abs because you have different muscles that make up the "washboard". I have been VERY successful with…
    in Abs? Comment by MimosaMay January 2012