

  • I do want to say that once a week I go ahead and make a bad choice, like 2 slices of pizza, but I'm learning to choose thin crust, extra sauce and light cheese with tons of veggies and meat if I want it. The other posters are right, every so often your body just tells you to EAT and when that happens, listen to your…
  • A Natures Valley Dark Chocolate trail mix bar or any of their bars that you like with a glass of cool water knocks out hunger for me and I always keep fudgesicles (look for 90 calorie supermarket brands) or 100 calorie Klondike bars in the fridge for that after dinner before bed craving. Keep grapes and cherries in the…
  • When I first started this, Nature Valley Granola Bars kept me on track, the moist ones, :happy: dark chocolate, fruit & nut, sweet and salty. 140-180 calories. Drink a glass of cold water along with the bar. Also any kind of nuts. Hard boiled eggs. Cut back on the bread and potatoes. They fill you up but make you hungrier…
  • Hi Always Angel! I don't know if it is damaging to weight loss but I think it doesn't help you sleep or keep your blood sugar level. If I don't eat something, even a popsicle or some frozen yogurt or plain yogurt or fat free milk before bed I wake up at 2 am with a splitting headache. Everyone will tell you not to eat 3…
  • Hi CCValentine! This is what has worked for me--and I'm 55 almost 56 and have a job where I sit 10 hours a day! Keep meals near 300-400 calories; have at least two snacks a day, exercise hard 3 times or more a week. Usually I have: Breakfast = 1 c Fat Free milk, 1 English Muffin, 1 Tblsp chunky peanut butter, 1 teasp…
  • I take One a Day multi for women and if I don't take it during my meal it does upset my stomach. :smile: Try taking a few bites of food then the vitamin and then finish eating.
  • Had no idea! So that's how I got here! LOL! I used to eat handfuls of those and kisses! OMG! :laugh: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    in WTF?! Comment by nthnglsts June 2011
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