

  • All of that stuff is better than sitting on your butt! I did count shoveling last Saturday, because I got up super early (8:00) to go to the gym and thought if I gave my self an extra 30 minutes to shovel I'd have my car out it time, but I didn't so instead I shoveled for an hour and my heart rate got up to around the…
  • Yes. Unsweetened Ghirardelli. Oops just realized I accidently used the sweetened chocolate hazelnut hot cocoa mix when I reached for the package to check the spelling of Ghirardelli.
  • I know, I used to feel the same way when I was trying to not eat any foods where sugar was listed in the first five ingredients, but then I found out that even plain Cheerios has sugar in the first five ingredients, so I just stopped worrying about it . I just try to stay within my calories. Try to do it by eating fruits…
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