

  • Here's a family favorite: 3 cans low fat cream of mushroom soup 2 small cans mushroom 1 small onion chopped 1-2 pounds beef stew meat -I don't cook the meat before hand, it cooks in the crockpot pepper to taste Throw all in crockpot and cook for about 7 hours Put over whole wheat egg noodles for beef and noodles-YUM!
  • Goals for the week: Eat right, drink my water, excerise 5 days this week.
  • I'm in! Thanks for the incentive! My weight today= 166. I would actually like to be in the 150's by the end of the month but I'll take what I can get. My goal weight is between 145-150.
  • I'm doing the Jillian Michael 30 day shred. It's only about 20 minutes and it's a kick but workout. There are 3 levels so you can work your way up! Good luck!
    in new Comment by jiweber March 2010