texaslady1 Member


  • This is a tough one! One day of bingeing can do me in....or I should say, it has in the past. LIke you said, it is a mental thing. Couple things that help me. As simple as it sounds, if I take my vitamins CONSISTENTLY I have fewer cravings. I invest in a really good vitamin pack that absorbs at least 85% in my body and it…
  • Yep, try to look at your calories consumed in a week's time, more or less. Hey, first day, 350 calories over is awesome! Congrats! Every day it will get better. Consistency is the key.
  • Me, too. I just logged on for the first time on Monday. I am already whining. The first week back on a diet/health/fitness program is always so hard. I want to lose 30+ pounds and this time, KEEP IT OFF! Have a good Thursday.
  • Thanks Barbiecat, I enjoy our posts. I just got on the site two days ago. Still learning how to navigate and do things.
  • I am brand new, two days and not sure how to navigate around this site. Is this auntiebk? If so, I had to laugh at your "no beer"! Beer is not my issue, but a glass or two of white wine is. You are so right on...after even one glass my will power goes out the window. What to do? What to do? except only allow myself maybe…
  • I completely understand. Have been there. It is so very, very frustrating, I know. How many times have I said the same thing. "It is just not worth all this effort...for what?" I am on a weight loss plan......yet again. But this time I am more realistic in my goals. Yes, I am counting calories for now just so I can get on…