

  • Regarding the argument that we need grains for fiber, that's just an excuse a carb addict used to justify the craving! If you're going to talk fiber, you get significantly more fiber from veggies. Without the fiber argument, there is no nutritional need for grains in our diet. High grain diets cause excess fat in almost…
  • I'm a chiropractor and nutritionist so I'll give you my take on that. There's a significant amount of evidence that a higher protein diet is actually healthier. Sports nutritionists and athletes commonly cycle carbs over a course of days or weeks to drop body fat. The problem, it seems, is the type of carbs in our diets.…
  • I'm a chiropractor so perhaps I can give you a few more details. It sounds like you do, indeed, have a pinched sciatic nerve. However, if it was pinched because of a bulging disc in your back, sitting would aggravate and walking would relieve. When the sciatic nerve is irritated with walking/running, its usually because it…
  • Why are women afraid to "bulk up?" Muscle is sexy. Women don't have enough testosterone to bulk up like men. A 150 lb muscular woman will be much smaller than a 150 lb fat/untoned woman. Plus you can eat more (healthy foods) because you need to maintain that muscle. So my advice is to build muscle and cut the fat off your…
  • Well said. I would also add that to get a six pack, you need to do resistance exercises FULL BODY. As you build muscle on your extremities, your body will mobilize the fat off your belly and those abs will start to show. High protein diet is a must - I try to get ~75-100 grams per day.
  • I lift weights (slow & controlled til it burns baby) 4 days per week, rotating 3 workouts: shlds/arms/abs, chest/back, legs (I also do a light cardio workout on those days - run 1-3 mi). I usually have 1-2 days of cardio only when I run 4 mi or an hour on elliptical. I have 1 day of rest. To keep things interesting, I…