

  • That's awesome, what an inspiration!! When reading your story, it really sounds like what I've gone through with my weight. Great job, Enjoy!!
  • Hi, Bee hang in there!! Stay strong girl, stay focused. You can totally do this, it certainly isn't easy, but we are all here doing this together. Let those negative thoughts be gone :) My children got baptized today, yeah!!! It was wonderful. I had everyone back to my house and had finger foods. I feel like i did ok, it's…
  • Hi, I hope everyone had a good day. I didn't work out today, I'm terribly sore from working out with my trainer yesterday, had to count this as a rest day. My food was good all day, till I had chicken alfredo. The sauce was light but still don't like to eat that much carbs for dinner. What day are we trying to weigh in?…
  • Hi everyone, day three was pretty good for me. I taught a kick butt spinning class this morning, then I strength trained chest and triceps. My water intake was good. My food choices were good except Chinese at lunch. I had tofu and sushi, resisted the egg roll and lomein, but I did put a hurting on some sushi ;) Lets have…
  • Thank you Jess!! I'm ready to do this and looking forward to making friends along the way. Best of luck to you too!!
  • Hi Jackie, I would love to join a group. I'm new to the message boards, I've been reading them but this is my first challenge. Really looking forward to this goal and friendships. Thanks for the motivation!! Jamie
  • Hi, I would love to join a group, new to the message boards. How do I go about that? What a great challenge, that would put me at goal weight. How many groups are there and which one would I go on? Best of luck to everyone, let's do this!!!