

  • I don't have any friends either if someone is still looking.... I dont know how to add people anyway!!! :(
  • I hope this helps, I have been on it for 23 days. At first, I was going through major withdrawals from sugar and bread, but I am surprisingly fine now and bonus... NOT THAT HUNGRY!! If anyone is doing this, I would love to talk to you to swap ideas and make sure that I'm doing it right myself. Or contact me if you are just…
  • I have endrometriosis and I am in pain ALL the time. I am miserable! I have tried birth control, none worked for me and had bad side effects. Now they want to try Lupron or a hysterectomy, I have had 4 laproscopic surgeries done. I am willing to try any diet. PLEASE help if you can. If you could just tell me what to eat…
  • I am looking for fitness videos that I can do on my iPad. I am so mad about Netflix taking those videos off!!!!! It seems like all of the apps cost money. Any ideas that are not a DVD would be so helpful. Thanks!!