

  • I used to weigh myself everyday religiously. The scale would tell me i gained or loss 1-3 pounds at any given point. I understand now why MFP suggests weighing in 2x per week, because your weight changes and flucutates like water weight , or eating way tooo much one day etc. These are not real pounds lost or gained unless…
  • yes its hard! get some support and friends on here, i/we will help you through it!
  • Hi i am 26 years old lesbian and the heaviest I have ever been. I am ~180 and 5'2''. Time to cut down some. Its so hard because when I am bummed, i Go into this downward spiral and eat my feelings, yikes! Would love some support, so add me if you like i am on here a lot and post a lot on my main page. Still new to the…
  • try the app swork it. its free and amazing!!!!
  • it doesnt help that the dominos pizza ad is on my fitness pal. just try and log and increase ur awareness thtas the first step then make plans to change in steps