

  • hi; I'm a Physical Therapist who has specialized training in treating bladder issues. if you talk to your doctor about this, you could get referred to a PT who treats stress incontinence, which it sounds like is what this is. A lot of people do Kegels wrong; they tighten their stomach instead of the "pelvic floor" muscles.…
  • Hello back atcha! I've been doing Weight Watchers, and really like it, but the monthly fee is the thing, isn't it? For now, I'm tracking in both. One of the big differences I've found is when you go over your daily allowance: on WW, you just dip into weekly points, and it doesn't feel like "cheating"-- on here, your…
  • Hello! I have about 45 lbs to go; have had 2 kids myself, but now the youngest is 2 and I think I can't use the baby weight excuse anymore. I've lost 25 lbs on weightwatchers online (really like the points plus program), but I'm thinking I might like NOT paying the monthly fees even more. :) Just joined today, and am…