

  • MFP says 1200 for me. My dr said after a while I'd figure out what calorie level made me feel full enough to avoid mindless snacking and still help me lose. After a year, I've noticed I do best at 1300-1400. That gives me 325 per meal, give or take and 325 for 2 or 3 snacks throughout the day. I try to not eat past 8:30pm…
  • Just bought some Truvia packets today at the store. The cool weather will be here soon and thats the only time I drink coffee and I was looking for something to allow me the coffee, but with less calories. Hoping this will do it!
  • I understand that stuck point. I've been working on this for a year now. I'm down 40lbs...but I keep gaining and losing 5-6 lbs. Though in all fairness I gave up on it for a few months and just ate whatever I felt like and quit exercising. I've refocused the efforts and set up a compitetion with my sister, in hopes that…