

  • I'm not a nutritionist nor do I claim to be, but it looks like you're doing good. You're consistently staying at a calorie deficit and eating 4-5 times per day. A couple things I noted: - You have very little protein in the morning. If you find yourself "crashing" a few hours after you eat, you might try adding some egg…
  • In the summer... I put these in a blender bottle and shake it up! 8oz iced coffee 1 Whole Banana (small) 1 scoop Whey Protein (Chocolate) 2 tbsp. PB2 Ready in 5 minutes and I'm out the door! I'm definitely not a morning person. In the winter... I boil some water in the microwave and throw it over plain rolled oats. Let it…
  • Good to know I'm not the only one then! I just didn't want to drop that kind of money if there were a cheaper route with some effectiveness. Here in Denver, the going rate just for the stomach is $15k. Looks like it's time to start saving up! Thanks for commenting.
  • I'm not sure if it's a named diet or not, but I try to follow a clean diet of 6 meals a day, 6 servings of protein, 5 servings of carbs and 5 servings of veggies. The sixth meal I threw in there because I tend to get hungry an hour or so before I go to bed. It's a protein only meal and is usually just a whey shake (no…