RunningSwede Member


  • Small changes over time lead to big results. I would invest in a pedometer. I"m using one. It keeps track of your steps. I keep a log, and I work on adding a few everyday. You end up looking for ways to walk more like I park the car at the far end of the parking lot so you can get a few more steps in. I also found that…
  • Go with both. While I'm pretty much using the same muscle groups, my body feel's like it's getting a different workout from each machine. And once you get the hang of each, it's pretty simple to either dial one up or the other down so that you get equal intensity from both.
  • "Bring out the Best" Hellmann's reduced fat with olive oil Mayonnaise
  • I just bought a box. My plan is to cook it, let it cool, and then throw a quarter cup into the Blendtec for my morning smoothie.
  • Mini goals: absolutely. You should break down any large complex life changes into manageable obtainable “mini goals.” Small incremental changes, supported by achieved results, builds one’s self confidence and over time = huge results! Rewards: absolutely. That is rewards supporting/reinforcing your goals. As an example,…
  • Omron HR-100C Heart Rate Monitor. $35.00 on Amazon. Chest Transmitter also automatically synchs with ellipticals, tred mills, and stair steppers so need for wrist ban in the gym.
  • Gotta go with Donnie Brasco: Pacino and Depp
  • 9+ glasses a day. A hydrated body is a fat burning body. I use a Brita filter, and drink it ice cold. I think it tastes better cold, and my body burns calories bringing it up to body temperature.
  • For diet I'm finding out it's all about portion control. Higher calorie food means I have to cut the portion on my plate. For breakfast I suggest you tell your boyfriend you'd like to eat "family style" which means you ask your server for an extra plate, order jointly, then when the plate of hotcakes comes out, you simply…
  • I didn’t set a drinking limit. I treat beer like any other food. …but knowing how easily the numbers can slip by when you’re downing a few “cold ones” with the guys I made the following rules: First, no drinking alone. It’s hard passing up a beer after work, but then I think hey, that frees up another cold one I can have…
  • Here’s a few things working for me: to defend against the “day’s worth of calories with one meal.” At a restaurant I always ask my server to bring out the doggy bag with the meal so I can exercise portion control before the first bite. At home I try to keep my kitchen free of calorie-dense food. Olive oil being an…