

  • HaHaHaHa, this is how bad my memory has been when I posted this mornin' I didn't put my end of month weight...... see this menopause crapola has really messed me up this mo.... starting weight---229.5 week 1227.5 week 2227.0 week 3228.0 week 4227.0 end of month weight-- 226.5 oh well....:laugh:
  • Good Mornin' Mission MILF Sisters, starting weight---229.5 week 1227.5 week 2227.0 week 3228.0 week 4227.0 Not bad considering how my week as gone...UGH!! these last two weeks have been very stressful, I have been expierencing (speel check) LOL peri-menopause symptoms for the last two yrs and this month as really thrown me…
  • Goodmornin' Ladies and what a beautiful mornin' it is!!! the weather is just right (for now) and I feel like I did actually get some sleep last night..LOL anyhoo well I got on the scale and well not much of a difference starting weight---229.5 week 1227.5 week 2227.0 week 3228.0 week 4227.0 oh well have a great day ladies…
  • Good Mornin' my sisters. well I do have to be honest this has been a tough week for me, seems like here lately whenever it is that T.O.M. I am overly tired and feel so weak, it has been hard to just get up.. so I haven't done as much as I had wanted to. my energy levels are slowly coming back to normal and I am going to…
  • welcome to the community, this is the beginning of a great journey for you!! I am ostarting on my 3rd week here and I can say I have met some really great people the motivation and support is unbelievable!!
  • geez O Whiz I forgot about the weigh in--- LOL starting weight---229.5 week one227.5 week 2227.0 so not much this week but I blame myself, I got lazy and have been extremly tired. but am back on track and will be trtying harder.. have a great night ladies!!!
  • Good Mornin ladies, well it is week 1 and time for a weigh in!! :) now as some of you know I had to change my starting weight from 220 to 229.5 (we bought a new scale and well if I am going to be true to myself I am going to use the new scale!! so here it goes starting weight - 229.5 week 1 - 227.5 week 2 - week 3 - week 4…
  • Oh you know I'm in!! starting weight= 220 week 1 = week 2 = week 3 = week 4 = end of month weight =
  • Dawn, you look amazing!!! and the difference does show.. You have motivated myself to push even harder, I know I have been struggling with my weight since before Dale & I split.. and seeing how well your doing and having little ones to chase after on top of it, well sister if you can do it I know I can... Love and miss you…
  • Hello, I joined yesterday... my mission is not only to be a MILF but to be a GILF. yep I want to be the hottest Grandma this side of town..LOL well maybe not the hottest but I def. want to get back into shape, for me my story with weight gain happened 22 yrs ago when I was preggo with my son. I was young and just married.…