sdmap8 Member


  • I love seeing others success stories. Such a motivation towards having my own. Congratulations, you look fantastic!
  • Day one done! I am really happy with how well I did. It was hard but I made it through! I modified a tiny bit with the jumping jacks because of a bad knee. But I am hoping this will help that too. Looking forward to tomorrow! I feel good!
  • I am in. New to the boards but not to MFP. I have lost 9 lbs but have a long way to go. I had bought the Shred yesterday after hearing so much about it and starting it this morning. Looking forward to seeing results!
  • I was underweight prior to having children.. I was 107 when we were married and tried to gain weight (haha) I had no problem gaining the weight when I became pregnant! I put my height, etc into a chart online and got my goal weight of 140 that way. (See, im back!)