

  • That's what is so crazy about this stupid disease. Everything that we have been told is "healthy" goes out the window when you flare. I had to start eating white bread because of the lack of fiber...I hadn't eaten white bread in years!!! I do really miss salads though. I know it'll be better once the flare settles, but…
  • Jeannie, I'm in the same boat right now. I am extremely sensitive to medication, and that is all the docs are pushing on me!!! I have had decent result (with minimal side effects) on the steroids, but have reacted poorly to the Imuran and also the Pentasa. The gastroenterologist I'm seeing is really pushy and all about…
  • Hi Annmarie! I just came across your post, and I completely understand what you are going through. I have been diagnosed with Crohn's for 10 years, but I seem to flare most with stress and have had a fairly decent time with it. A year ago, I was a size 24. I wasn't at my highest weight, but very close. I decided to get…