honeymoonpress Member


  • Could you put working out on hold just for 4 weeks while you're in ketosis? You could at least lose 10-12 lbs in that one month then start phasing off and adding workouts back in. If you know it only takes about 2 months to lose it all, it's worth it just to tell your partner to give you a 2 month hiatus. Then you can…
  • I loved it. I'm phasing off and next week will be in maintenance. I'm actually scared to be off the plan. I don't trust myself. I started working out again and going to try to keep the nutrition as close to IP as possible.
  • @kgabriele1993 thanks. I'll try that!
  • I started 3 weeks ago and have lost 6 pounds and a few inches. I am always tired though and cannot work out. I did some crunches this morning and was just worn out. I don't like veggies so this is quite difficult for me but I know i'll see results so that keeps me motivated. I miss my carbs so much but am getting used to…
  • I started on the first of this month. Add me in! I'm on week four and have lost 6 pounds. It's really difficult for me and my sweet/carb tooth but the results are beginning to encourage me.
  • Ice cream, brownies, caramel and hot fudge.....all piled high together. I love fries too but if I had my choice it's all sweets for me. I bought some Gelato because we were having company over for dinner. We ended up cancelling and I ate the two pints within 2 days. I keep eating until it's all gone. I eat so fast that I…
  • I'm not the best example to follow but I'll cheer you on! You made the first move so now you are on your way! Good luck!
  • I feel the same way. Before I was married I worked out every morning for an hour, ate right all day and drank water. Now I have a desk job and it's a miracle to get a walk in after work. Routine has a lot to do with it for me. You just have to find that routine that you can abide by. Having supportive folks around you is…
  • You are on the right track and in the right frame of mind if you came back this program. Good for you and good luck for positive results.