

  • @MudRunLvr I agree with you on the majority of what you said. Religion should has no place in government and the government has no place in love. But marriage's benefits as a civil contract extend beyond tax breaks. It's an all encompassing agreement that two people are linking their lives together. It removes the question…
  • Are you sure it's MFP? I found that I thought about food all day when I tried thought eating 6 smaller meals was beneficial. When I switched to eating 3 meals a day (lunch, dinner, bedtime) and just ate bigger meals, I thought about food a lot less.
  • Would've been funnier if you didn't have "blue footed" in the thread title. 6/10
  • Sure, he's an *kitten*, but there's no point in getting pissed off at him in particular. He's free to sell whatever clothes he wants, and everyone else is free to not buy them. The bigger issue is whether or not our society promotes or rewards this type of shallowness, and if that's a good thing or a bad thing. If you…
  • Maybe that's the problem. We need to work on one problem at a time! We can't multitask. Texting and driving is just more proof!
  • I just realized it says automatic weapons. I read atomic weapons haha.
  • Ok, go ahead and try to obtain one, then. See what happens.
  • So if some people are good at it, then everyone should be allowed to do it, even if it were conclusively shown that traffic accidents are rising because of texting? Maybe it can be part of your driving exam.
  • Wow, you went off on a bunch of unconvincing tangents there. I'll just link to the study that showed that reactions time were, in fact, reduced when study participants were both manually texting and using voice texting. The evidence is right there. Accept it or don't. Here's the abstract: "Text messaging is no longer…
  • Do careless and reckless driving just apply after something bad happens? Probably differs by area. IIRC, here in MD they just changed the texting law again. When they originally made it illegal, they couldn't pull you over for it. They could cite you for it if they pulled you over for something else too. Now they can pull…
  • You're doing it all wrong! Paleolithic man didn't have a slap-chop!
  • You're confusing carrying fat in your *kitten* with having large glutes.
  • Those other people shouldn't be doing those things either, but lawmakers aren't obligated to make everything illegal if they make one thing illegal. The problem of texting and driving has risen to a level that required action.
  • I would think it's at least somewhat distracting, at least reduced reaction time because your mind is elsewhere. We're finding out now that even hands-free use is distracting.
  • I used to do it but I stopped a few years ago. Now I won't talk or text while driving. I had a couple close calls that woke my *kitten* up. I will read or type a quick message while sitting at a red light, but I probably shouldn't do that either. I hate seeing people text and drive.
  • I just looked back and I didn't see any scientific arguments. I saw you said that evolution and the big bang suggest a creator because you can't get something from nothing. That argument makes no sense about evolution, and "something from nothing" isn't really the only option. Your arguments weren't really scientific, and…
  • And to your original point, having a religious belief doesn't qualify as a mental illness according to the DSM.
  • I may be wrong, but I don't think she was actually offended. Just calling you out. And I agree with your view on religion.
  • I disagree with wineplease on pretty much every point she's made, but I still think you were being a jerk.
  • What was the science again? I thought we agreed that God can neither be scientifically proven nor disproven.
  • This reminds me of the anecdote about the priest and the eskimo: Eskimo: 'If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?' Priest: 'No, not if you did not know.' Eskimo: 'Then why did you tell me?'
  • Yes, but when you invoked Pascal's wager, you were saying we were betting on certain outcomes, right? And they would be....
  • @robert65fergu If all of our arguments have been red herrings, then what is a valid debate about god? Whether the communion wafers should be white or wheat? You didn't need to come out and say "burn in hell." It's clearly implied by your words.
  • I'm aware, I'm meant about what exactly you're arguing. Also, I feel like you've been glossing over many of the comments that I've made.
  • Unless you're both on different pages.
  • Well then you guys should get your arguments straight because there's a huge difference. The majority of religious people aren't experts on theology, so debating the supposed theological implications of the texts seems less important, to me, than debating how populations interpret religion and act upon their beliefs.
  • What he's arguing is exactly what some branches of christianity teach. Also, 90% of america is not christian. It's more like 76%. 20% of Americans say they have no religion. And yes, this is a link to wikipedia, but i heard the same stats on NPR. Finally, about…
  • Yeah, I just liked the sound of Pope-phone :D
  • Hold on, let me just pull out my Pope-phone... :P