email68 Member


  • A few days ago mine said, "NO DOUNUT Tim". Oddly enough someone at the office brought donuts. Pretty rare. I didn't remember the warning until that evening. I should have listened! Tim
  • Here's one for ya. The elliptical said I did 334 calories. The Body bugg said 186. What should I put into MFP?
  • Does the BB change its burn goals the more you use it by itself? I just set mine up for the first time last night so the goals it set had to be only from my height, weight, etc.. The food intake goes on the BB site does include your expected caloric burn which they estimate from your exercise I guess. So I think you all…
  • Interesting. I have mine set to 2lbs a week as well. And MFP also has set me to 1200. I'll adjust mine up a bit and see what happens. Thanks for the info everyone.
  • Interesting info. I've been averaging around 1400-1500 calories intake for the last few months. I only exercise between 300-500 calories a day. Just enough to keep my 1200 mark for MFP. With this, I've lost a little over 30 lbs. I started analyzing the output from my Withings scale and it looks like my loss is from around…