kdomanti Member


  • Thanks all for your encouragement! Day 3 was surprisingly a little easier on me (mentally, not physically ha!) I'm looking forward to seeing some inches come off. Pounds would be a bonus; I like to look at the size of my jeans rather than a scale to measure progress :wink: Still can't do full-form pushups when he asks me…
  • you look amazing! Just started Insanity yesterday and I hope to get even a fraction of the your results! Keep up the good work :)
  • Vegetarian now for 3 months, mostly vegan eating and shopping! Can't seem to give up the occasional cheese but working on it! Would love some other vegetarian/vegan friends for recipe ideas and insight on some vegan food diaries. I could use all the support I can get :)
  • Age 24, 5'4.5", SW 182.8lb, CW 179.6lb. First goal weight is to be less than 149lb so I'm considered to be in a normal BMI range for the first time in my life :) Just started doing running 3x/wk with goal of completing a half-marathon, and I am also doing 30DS, just finished Day 3. Always looking for more MFP friends as I…
  • Just recently turned vegan...will definitely give this a try! :)