

  • Fitbit recommends wearing the HR higher on your arm and slightly looser during workouts to catch the heart rate correctly. Of course they coupled that with a ridiculously short band. They also clearly state that the HR may not pick up your heart rate during martial arts, boxing, etc where there is a lot of arm movement /…
  • Started C25K on the treadmill (Boston area... you go run in snow and traffic). My problem is actually getting past Week 1 Day I did a lot of research on proper running technique as I have never been a runner and switching things up so I did it right to avoid injury has me dropping out at run 3 of 8. I just don't have the…
  • This is accurate. If you can find it in your area do a BodPod so you have a baseline lean muscle mass and body fat. Then check it again after a month of lifting. It takes a lot to put on muscle. If you are gaining weight at any significant rate it likely isn't all muscle. The report will give you a much better…
  • No. If you are eating at a deficit it will not. But you DO need to alter what you eat. Your protein requirement will go up significantly for example. I have actually done this in the past with a personal trainer and nutritionist. In addition you should ask yourself this. If you lost weight at a slightly lower rate but were…
  • Anyone tried these? How are they?
  • Nobody will ever see this comment but... Cardio needs to be a minimum of twice a week better off three times. Start a lifting routine without cardio and your asking for heart problems.
  • From what I have heard from doctors, dietitians, etc. everyone tends to plateau at some point and the last pounds are significantly harder than the first. Just hang in there.
  • Yes it will. You will slow your metabolism as your body thinks it is starving. Then it will begin to cannibalize muscle instead of just fat. With less muscle your resting metabolic rate will drop. Don't kill yourself getting to your exact goal, and you may be able to ignore calories added from excessive, but get close.…