

  • I do wish that one day I would run into him and do that, you are exactly right!!!
  • I meant counting calories lol, sorry im at work too so im multi-tasking haha
  • Good luck to ya!! this site is GREAT!! The support is amazing from everyone. :-) Good Luck Cindy
  • I liked that quote as soon as I saw it today. It's got a lot of truth to it. If I don't live today, and do what I want to do, which is lose weight and get healthy - I won't be here in 20 years to even have that choice to regret not doing it today. :-)
  • Try this recipe its weight watchers chicken spaghetti go to this site
  • Proudmom and Newkell - thank you so much!!! :smile: Craft - i love love LOVE that we have the same thought process!!! haha. I can't wait to get to my goal and say to them...THIS what you missed out on! Thibaut -- I have actually said that to someone before and it felt good. I hear all the time that the southern guys…
  • I actually had to breathe in and breathe out before i talked on the radio lol
    in Venting Comment by cindylou911 May 2011
  • max lol i normally do lol ..... tim- i was on south
    in Venting Comment by cindylou911 May 2011
  • I dispatch all emergency response units. Self dispatching is not good when its on ems/fire side. LE side its not as bad bc normally it means a 2nd unit responding with another. HOWEVER if the First due fire company has told the other fire company to standby and he will let them know if they are needed and then the 2nd due…
    in Venting Comment by cindylou911 May 2011
  • I can only vent about so much ashli bc of the job i do and privacy and stuff like that. HOWEVER it doesnt mean I can't vent about stupidity haha!!
    in Venting Comment by cindylou911 May 2011
  • i love that!! and these definitly do since im a 911 dispatcher and they are wanting to self dispatch and tell me how to do my job today
    in Venting Comment by cindylou911 May 2011
  • Awwwwe aren't you just the sweetest!!! I, too, am at work for 12 hours when I'd much rather be at home relaxing and just having fun!!! Hope you have lots of fun tearing up the house with your mini-cowboy and your mini-cowgirl!! Have a great day at work!!! Cindy
  • Thank you so much. I didn't post it to make you cry, I just hope when I posted it on facebook, the ones that did that got the message. I am sure I will take you up on that offer on needing someone to talk to and the same goes for you!!
  • Cindy (my name) and Cindylou is a nickname that all my adult friends call me. 911 is because I am a 911 dispatcher and a dern good one too :-) hehe.:laugh:
  • Such kind, motivating words. To see all the support on this site, makes me glad I joined. Thank you for serving our country, if it wasn't for the men and women who did, we wouldn't be here today to even give these words of confidence to each other. Thanks Cindy
  • I originally said mother nature, however someone else called it TOM so I figured that was more polite way of saying it on this site.. lol. I eat bananas, lots of them actually and it doesn't really do anything for the chocolate craving, as for dark chocolate - I don't like it. I don't eat much chocolate to begin with…
    in TOM Comment by cindylou911 May 2011
  • Thanks all for the different options!!
    in TOM Comment by cindylou911 May 2011
  • Sugar free fudge bars are delicious!! As for the kisses, I have to ignore those - I wouldnt be able to just stop at 5 haha!! Thanks for the advice!!
    in TOM Comment by cindylou911 May 2011
  • I will def have to try the choc protein powder in my coffee ...are there any other flavors, because my morning MUST include coffee lol. Thanks for the advice!!
    in TOM Comment by cindylou911 May 2011
  • Thanks for the kind words. Maybe having supporters who are in the same shoes as I am will be beneficial to keeping me motivated, so that I can keep up doing the hard work it is to lose weight.
  • Hi, lets see, what can I say... My name is Cindy, and I am 31 years old. I have been a 911 dispatcher for almost 6 years now, and love my job - even through the stress, aggravation, and worry we endure. I was born and raised in a small town just outside Charleston, SC called Moncks Corner. I am currently enrolled as online…