

  • I take the Tylenol PM and Melatonin like you do, but I also need an allergy pill. So I take that at night since it makes me too sleepy during the day. I have to say "no thanks", to anything with caffeine, like coke, coffee, tea and the last final thing is chocolate at night. A warm bath, reading something boring in bed,…
  • I think it depends on where your weight is. If it's around your middle, it's not as healthy as if you have it some other place like your rear, or your thighs. Maybe you can afford a little more weight if it's not in an unhealthy place.
  • I can't give weight losing advice, since I am completely flat lined, but I can tell you that I use Splenda on my old fashioned oatmeal and it tastes yummy. I don't know about saving calories, but I do know that it saves money.
  • Hi, I'm having the same problem, but I just have to tell myself that this is not a math problem. Two and two doesn't always equal four. I think that if you take two steps forward and one step back, eventually you will still get there. In the meantime enjoy the journey. Celebrate how great you feel with those 10 pounds off.…