tanya663 Member


  • with the iffy weather... Ive been walking on the treadmill most days... I dont know if you guys noticed but I've lost 6lbs in one week plus 4 inches.... I started taking skinne by nutrie a friend of mine has been taking it for over a month and shes lost close to 12lbs already.... I have not drastically change my diet you…
    in Workouts Comment by tanya663 March 2014
  • hi... i'm yvette... I would love to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight by I's first birthday... so that would mean 28 lbs to lose by august 21... I know it can be done.. I dropped over 30 lbs for my wedding in 2011 I was at my "healthy" weight which was 150lbs.. I felt great!! right now I am far from weighing 150 lbs…