nidalee Member


  • Hi there! Always looking for more folks to add to my already awesome list of friends! I'm on every day!
  • Hi there! I'm not proud of this at all, but I'm right there with you. 100%. Like, your post could be mine if I had the balls to talk about one of the most shameful things in my life on a public forum where people would probably say harsh things. I am completely positive that I am where I am now because of a total lack of…
  • Count me in! I have somewhere between 75-95 to lose, depending on what looks good when I get there.
  • I went through the KFC drive through by myself and got two Doublicious sandwiches, three biscuits and a large Pepsi. Then, less than 30 minutes later, my roommate wanted to go to McDonalds so I went with and got two large fries and a large Coke. I've never been so privately ashamed of myself, ugh.
  • Oh god, this is so embarrassing but I don't listen to much music at the gym... I watch HGTV! I don't have cable readily available at home, so I get my fix when I'm working out. When I do listen to music, I usually just load up Spotify and turn on the Electronica station. Maybe I'll keep an eye on your thread and finally…
  • I've been suffering from and battling depression for at least a decade now, and it's definitely been a major deterrent to my weight loss goals. There are days when I wake up and all I want to do is sit in front of the TV and snack on packets of sugar (and I have done this, once upon a time... one of my greatest shames!) I…
  • I'm always looking to support and be supported by more members of the amazing MFP community! Feel free to add me. :)