

  • I was in the same situation as you. I drink a LOT of water and still was constipated. My doctor suggested the fiber you add to your bottled water and take it every day. So that is the first thing I do when I get to work. Buy two bottles of water (cold) and add a fiber packet to it. I really like the flavor of CVS brand…
  • So glad to see someone being honest with themselves. I married my husband weighing 120lbs and now weigh over 200. He is not the type of guy to "sugar coat" anything he says (pun intended). He is fit and stays in shape, and has encouraged me to do the the same. People change, they lose their hair or things start sagging, we…
  • For some reason it annoys him when I get up early so that I can play games online (Farmville etc). Does he think I should stay in bed even if I'm awake???
  • I am not going to be one of those women who say her husband/boyfriend "loves" her just the way she is, because that is not true. I am going to say that you are better off without a man who says mean things to you. A partner should be there to help and support, not demoralize you by being hurtful. Good luck to you and stay…