

  • Ugh sick, and I've just got too many excuses going on... I am trying to find another job, so I've been going to interviews all week, and have another one tomorrow, after the interviews, I'm working, picking my son up from the sitters, making dinner etc. etc. etc. and then not walking. This is horrible.. any idea's for a…
  • Ugh so it started storming yesterday when I got off of work.. go figure. Oh well.. after the long drive home, I was so stiff from working 9 hours, I probably would have found any excuse.. lol. Yesterday was a bad food day.. TOM had me eating chocolate all day.. today will be better..
  • Congrats on the engagement!!!!
  • Wow 40 years! That's awesome, you don't hear that too often anymore. You can and will do this. We all can and will !!! We just have to keep eachother motivated!! I have Ceder Point July 19th, my birthday July 21st, Family get together the last weekend in July, for a family reunion. My sister is having a baby, so my other…
  • Wow, thank you guys so much for joining. LOL. I didn't think I'd get responses so fast.. nice to see so many people think my goal is attainable and willing to work towards it too.. Weigh in's can be whenever you normally weigh in, so long as we all weigh in on July 19th... I weigh in sporadically, since I don't have a home…
  • thank you everyone!! I do work, however, I used to work full time/over time.. and my job is a very physical one.. however, now I only work 1-2 days a week and I'm losing all the activity, so I have to make up for it plus... I need to move my *kitten* and get off this computer.. lmao.. I will check out that website.. I'm…
  • It was supposed to be a lifestyle change.. but like I said, I lost site of my goals. My 21st birthday, tons of family cookouts, dating a new guy and dates include alot of food lmao.. and it slowly slipped away. Now I have my fiance on my side, wanting to lose 40 pounds himself and learn to eat healthier and two very…