

  • me too :)
  • I wouldn't worry about it so much, it does not need to be a perfect balance every day. have your smoothie if you feel like a snack and keep on track tomorrow and the next day and look at your averages over the week and see how the pattern is.
  • there are a lot of things you can do with no equipment and just a few minutes at a time.... my trainer often has us do Tabata intervals. pick a few exercises- plank, jumping jacks, jogging on the spot and punching the air, squats anything you feel comfortable with and can do with good form, get someone to teach you first…
  • I love my Mizuno shoes, I had Asics before and they were quite good. What i suggest is to go to your local Running Room store or similar and have someone fit you properly for shoes -firm support/neutral etc....then when you find what is right for you you can check you the shoe Wharehouse or an outlet store as they often…
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