normastafne Member


  • You should have the surgery. They should send you home with crutches and a knee walker. The knee walker allows you to get around easily without bearing weight on your recovering foot. So you can still get in your daily walks. Be patient with the recovery. . .and follow your surgeons post-op orders. Retired O.R. nurse.
  • Try googling Scarsdale Diet. . . the Tripod site includes a complete shopping list. Pretty much fresh fruit, vegetable, and fresh meat , and cheese. This is an old diet but has been updated. The blog site is very informative. But I love the simple menus and the SHOPPING LIST! GOOD LUCK...hope this helps.
  • I have been an asthmatic all my life. I live in Wisconsin, so it gets COOOOLD outside. I suggest that you see a doctor to manage your symptoms. Did you know the asthmatic have a high mortality rate? That means that YOU COULD DIE if you don't have a handle on you symptoms. If you cannot afford medical care, seek out a free…
    in Asthma Comment by normastafne March 2010