

  • I'll be starting pahse 2 next Wednesday and a bit scared of what that will bring! Blogging again with pictures every day to track progress, not the same results so far that i had with Ripped in 30 but I think the first couple of weeks were about getting eased in.
  • My powersong on my iPod is "Rockstar" N.E.R.D (Jason Nevins Remix) its awesome. I also jus bought Running Trax Gold and that's pretty ace too - 60 songs for a tenner isn't bad.
  • Level 2 was my least favourite but that's because of my weak wrists and the amount of plank work - ouch. Yesterday was my last day Lisa, I've posted my before and after pictures on there side by side now and I'm so pleased with my progress. I think I'll try and keep up with the food and exercise blogging and then once a…
  • Honestly? Today i feel tired!! As its day 30 I'm goign to try for L3 and L4 tonight but I think its giong to be a bit much - we'll see! In the last few days I've felt really good about the pictures, there's still a little bit more to do and a few more inches to lose but I'm on the way. Glad you are enjoying it, its the…
  • Yeh Hun its on the wedding forum , in weight loss, just called ripped in 30! The blog starting day one is here: and I've updated with pictures for every day that I've done it.
  • Lisa I've been doing RI30 for the last 29 days (tomorrow is my last one :D ) I only do that everyday, apart from Fridays when I go to the gym too for a run and some extra weights. I've got a blog going of my progress daily and you can find that on the forum in weight loss if you want to look. Today I did level 1 and 2 back…