edpapo86 Member


  • Hello all! Been looking for a group like this. I'm at 385 and want/ NEED to lose over 100 lbs. Looking for supporters, motivators, encouragement and accountability. ADD ME!
  • I'll tell you what you get with the new iPhone 5... 1/2 inch bigger screen! hahaha, The only big thing it had going for it was the release of iOS 6. Which works JUST as great on the iphone generations. I have the 4S and probably won't upgrade to the iPhone 5... I'm happy with my 4S, and all the new iOS 6 updates. :)
  • If you click on the "Exercise" tab, then choose "Cardio", you can search for "Walking." Most people normally walk between 2.5 - 3.0 mph. You can add that in, and according to your weight and height, it'll calculate your calories burned, or if you know how much you burned, you can enter it manually. Good luck!
  • Thank you all so much for your suggestions and encouragement... In the last 2 weeks I have lost 11 lbs! I have been cutting back on carbs and making sure I'm eating the right stuff... I have my days where I don't do so good, but It's part of the ride... I'll be seeing my Doc in a couple of weeks to do lab work to see how…
  • Man, this blew me away!