wigglentwink Member


  • ^^This. Exactly. ^^ I really want to respond to all of you, but tonight is not the night. I got to spend a long part of the day with my friend at the hospital and it was therapeutic for both of us. My abs are sore from laughing and my nose is sore from blowing it from crying. She took 32 steps today. HUGE leap in PT for…
  • So, the hubby works late tonight. No yoga for me. My sissy is coming over, though, and that will be fun. I have shredded chipotle beef going in the crock pot now for quesadillas for dinner. They will go with the chipotle roasted butternut squash soup I'm making. Y.U.M. Can't wait. I think we are going to carve some…
  • 13.1 at The Girlfriend's Half Marathon on Sunday 10/16 1.75 on Monday to yoga and 1.75 home from yoga. 3.21 miles Tuesday morning with the jogging stroller 6.42 miles on Wednesday 6.42 miles on Thursday 30.9 so far, hoping for 40 miles by Saturday evening.
  • Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 poses, each one done twice. It is done in a room that is kept at a constant 105 degrees and the classes are usually about 90 minutes long. The health benefits from this have ALREADY presented themselves to me and I have only done three classes. 1) I sleep better. A LOT better. Like the dead…
  • Hi girls. I'm gone for one day and two pages later, I can try to catch up - in no specific order: Sheeba: I think my suggestion would be to add in some strength training to build more muscle...long, lean muscle, not bulky muscle. Muscle looks leaner than fat and will also burn calories all on it's own. You may need to eat…
  • Done. 13.1 at The Girlfriend's Half Marathon on Sunday 10/16 1.75 on Monday to yoga and 1.75 home from yoga. 3.21 miles Tuesday morning with the jogging stroller (This is an abnomal week, I don't always run a half marathon on Sunday.) :blushing:
  • I find that I work much much harder when I am street running vs the dreadmill. Plus, the scenery changes, the air is fresher and I am motivated to not be caught walking by people I know.
  • 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga tonight. Holey Mother of Muscles.
  • Hosanna: What a fun weekend!! I think you must have had the best time!! Awesome NSV!!
  • HELLLLLLLO ladies. Now that I am rested and no longer feel like I've been hit by a truck, let's see what I can get replied... Victoria: That is inspirational!! Can you imagine? I am a third that age, and it took me 2 hours and 34 minutes of hauling *kitten* to finish a half... WOW!! Lacey: Take care of that foot!! It does…
  • ***********************************:heart: :heart: 171.1 :heart: :heart: ***********************************************************
  • official time: 2:34:34 More tomorrow...when I can focus and not fall asleep. :)
  • Kerry: You amaze me. Seriously. 138 minutes!? really!! Holey Smokin' Heels, Batman! I have my race tomorrow...but you have totally smoked my time. I can't wait to see you in a real race, you run even faster!! GREAT JOB!!
  • BUMMER!!! (Which half marathon are you running? I am running The Girlfriend's Half Marathon in Vancouver, WA on Sunday.) The only thing I can think of is ice and heat...and stay off of it!
  • OH MAN!!! What a difference a full night of sleep makes!!! GOOD MORNING, GIRLIES!!! It is currently 6:38 a.m. in the Pacific Northwest. I have been up for an hour and a half, got my run on, had some coffee with mah man and he's off to work. Kiddos are sleepin', and I'm showered and dressed. I did my chores last night so I…
  • Jenn: ^^^ My birthcontrol at it's finest!! ^^^ You just never know.
  • Craptacular day here in the Pacific Northwest. Started it off with an 'easy" 3 mile run with my bestie. Rear left tire of the jogging stroller was flat but didn't notice until too late. Darned thing almost fell over 3 or 4 times. I have a knot in my left shoulder that could be used as a softball from holding up the…
  • Pam: I see a HUGE difference. The scale may not be moving as fast as the fat is falling off. You don't look like the same person. Amy: I LOVE the dress in your "after" pic. But I think your face looks thinner in your Paris pics -- so you've lost some since then. Jessi: I see a difference all over you. I don't know what…
  • my new strategy for Sunday: http://rwdaily.runnersworld.com/2011/10/u-k-marathoner-hits-wall-hops-bus-finishes-3rd.html
  • The first pic was mid-May at 220 lb. The second pic was about 2 months ago: 190ish. ^^ This one was last weekend at 180^^
  • I find myself dedicated to MFP (strangely) because, honestly, I don't want to be here forever. I started this journey at 220 and want to reach 160. Then, I want to maintain for a year and then I'll wean myself off of MFP. But if I am not ALL here and doing this, I will be here FOREVER. When I started, I wanted to reach my…
  • AMY!!! That is HORRIBLE!! I am SO sorry. That just SUCKS!! Bobbie: I am a sucker for tradition, but I don't think I would go either. If everyone isn't going to be there and you have an opportunity to start a new tradition and make new memories, I would do that. Stay home. Make a feast, have the sisters et al over, and if…
  • WHAT!? ONLY 200 MILES?!! That puts me about 400 miles overdue for shoes with a race on Sunday. Too late now...I'm not breaking in new shoes at the race, but maybe I'll reward myself with something super cute!! If they only last about 200 miles, is there a shoe I can buy that will last longer? It's not in the budget (not…
  • I loved this: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-267--14058-0,00.html Victoria has me hooked on Runners World now. I feel so cool. No, really, I feel like I know what they are talking about. Who knew this fat housewife/SAHM four months ago would be here? I love you girls for keeping me going. (Great, now I'm…
  • Victoria: Thank you for the information. That really does make me feel a little better. I did 4 miles today and 120 minutes of Jillian MIchaels. It will be hard to pace myself in the beginning, but I have a partner, so that will help for sure!! I am scared to death that I am going to mentally quit around Mile 9 -- which is…
  • Lacey: GO GO GO GO GO!!! Do not stop. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200...just go. You will feel like a rockstar. I promise.
  • Welp, the 12 mile run slated for today didn't happen. It's raining sideways here and I feel like I'm catching a cold. What I DON'T want is bronchitis for this race. I had it the last time I did this race in 2008 and it sucked...bad. So, we are going to hope that the 30 miles I did this week were enough and that I will…
  • NSV: My daughter's 3rd party for her 2nd birthday: Me eating NO cupcake or ice cream. That makes 3 for 3. Thank goodness THAT'S over! Phew!!
  • As my "Down 40 lb gift" to myself: http://www.ideeli.com/events/57846/offers/2132434/latest_view/1563978
  • *********************************** :love: 177.4 :love: ************************************************* Goodbye 180's!! How did that happen? I dunno. I dunno. But I am NOT going to argue. (*twirls and spins and Rockstar jumps*) ((Kerry, you were right...):smooched: