

  • Wow! I have been drinking mad amounts of water w/ wylers light and crystal light singles to go. I thought if it prompted me to drinking water it was a good thing. I will definately look into the aspartame and it's effects.
  • Congrats to you as well :) I walk two/three times a week, I'm hoping that will be enough. It's amazing just putting in my breakfast food and watching the numbers!! Couldn't believe the fat grams in eggs and toast!!! lol
    in Hi there! Comment by kspitz251 July 2008
  • My daughter in law told me of this site today and I am very excited to start tracking my weight loss and see where my numbers are at the end of the day! I am always looking for new and exciting recipes and snack ideas. I have lost 12 pounds in 4 months! 30 to go!!
    in Hi there! Comment by kspitz251 July 2008